RAISED VOICES 7: 2021 The New Normal

World Premiere of our 2021 Raised Voices film – The New Normal – hosted online via Zoom, as part of this year’s Women’s Empowerment Month, with special introduction from Councillor Saima Ashraf – Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Community Leadership & Engagement.

Raised Voices: The New Normal – Celebratory Film Launch Event

Delivered in collaboration with the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham Culture Service and the Mayor’s Office for Policing & Crime (MOPAC), and supported by the Jack Petchey Foundation

Thursday 25 March 2021 

5:00 – 5:45pm GMT

Online via Zoom 
Featuring special guests, this exciting event will celebrate the achievements of the 20 committed and enthusiastic young female participants from across the Borough who have worked with us both in person and remotely on the latest journey of our drama-based project for young people, throughout the most challenging of our Raised Voices years.  

Our latest film in this powerful and inspiring series uses the participants’ own creative work to explore issues affecting young people today, including equality, Black Lives Matter, body image, mental health, bullying, covid-lockdown and, of course, empowerment!  We will also be taking time to celebrate our group’s latest amazing Jack Petchey winners!